Welcome to Film Festivals Alliance

Below are the participating film festivals which offer Money Back Guarantee if your submission is not successful.



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FFA member festival is featured in Festival Beat print edition of MovieMaker magazine in the Summer edition 2017 along with Cannes Film Festival and other prestigious festivals. This was made possible through the cooperation with MovieMaker magazine. READ

Festivals in the Spotlight:

Jakarta International Film & Art Festival (JIFAF)

Jakarta International Film & Art Festival (JIFAF) is searching for inspiring films and documentaries that touch the underlying culture of human beings, about human civilization, a day to day experience in modern or ancient society, and about arts and music in any form. Basically, we are looking for everything concerning human being, and the boundariless creativity to shape our culture to become better.

The Festival accepts:
Submissions from all over the world. Categories open are feature and short film, feature and a short documentary, and music video.

Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)

Festival email: jakartainternationalfilmandart[@]gmail.com

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World Philanthropist Awards
World Philanthropist Awards aimed to give a chance to you to be a philanthropist, through the world of filmmaking and social contribution. We are looking for exceptional people, people who are not only rich but have a calling to help others in various ways. Besides looking for exceptional figures, we also give chances to the people from the world of filmmaking who cares about social issues and want to make a significant impact for others.
Awards Ceremony: yearly, with bi-monthly events
Festival email: worldphilanthropistawards@gmail.com
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Jogja International Film Festival

This is a call for all filmmakers from Yogyakarta, well-known as Jogja, a city with a friendly population, rich in historical value, and adorned with cultural arts, batik, and handicrafts. The place where the classical Javanese art marriage with modern culture in its artworks, drama, music, puppetry.

The Festival accepts:
Submissions from all over the world. Categories open are feature and short film, feature and a short documentary, screenplay, and music video.

Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)

Festival email: jogjainternationalfilmfestival@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit

Festivals Highlight:


Festivals with Approaching Final Deadlines:

Jakarta International Film & Art Festival (JIFAF)

Jakarta International Film & Art Festival (JIFAF) is searching for inspiring films and documentaries that touch the underlying culture of human beings, about human civilization, a day to day experience in modern or ancient society, and about arts and music in any form. Basically, we are looking for everything concerning human being, and the boundariless creativity to shape our culture to become better.

The Festival accepts:
Submissions from all over the world. Categories open are feature and short film, feature and a short documentary, and music video.

Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)

Festival email: jakartainternationalfilmandart[@]gmail.com

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Jogja International Film Festival

This is a call for all filmmakers from Yogyakarta, well-known as Jogja, a city with a friendly population, rich in historical value, and adorned with cultural arts, batik, and handicrafts. The place where the classical Javanese art marriage with modern culture in its artworks, drama, music, puppetry.

The Festival accepts:
Submissions from all over the world. Categories open are feature and short film, feature and a short documentary, screenplay, and music video.

Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)

Festival email: jogjainternationalfilmfestival@gmail.com

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International Heroes Awards

The Festival is looking for an extraordinary person and excellent films with a heroic theme that touches our real world, a film about nation heroes, someone who has made a tremendous effort for others, or that his / her bravery or creativity or actions have changed other people's life.

The Festival accepts:

- documentary and narrative films that are related to heroic action or life towards humanity, environment, or biographies and other inspiring themes (narrative films and documentaries) containing heroic stories/action, bravery actions, outstanding character that withstand the test of time for the benefit of society, strong passionate leaders, etc.

- Submission about inspiring people (in General Category)

Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)

Festival email: internationalheroesawards@gmail.com

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Documentary & Short International Movie Award (DSIMA)
About the festival
Festival for documentaries and short films
Submit now
Categories: Best International Documentary Feature, Best International Documentary Short, Best Asia Pacific Documentary, Best European Documentary, Best America Documentary, Best International Short Films, Best Asia Pacific Short Films, Best European Short Films, Best America Short Films, Newcomer, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Story.
Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)
Festival email: docsho.ima@gmail.com
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PIFF invites submissions from Documentary, General, Queer, Experimental and Emerging Talent. The festival offers a unique experience for filmmakers to exhibit their work to a carefully curated audience of artists in a uniquely immersive cinema. Their extensive selection of talks, Q & A’s and workshops encourage filmmakers to showcase their work, create conversations and elevate experimentation within the wider context of the 200+ residency. They encourage the filmmaker to be an active participant in the international Palace Arts community.

Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)
Festival email: harry[@]thepalacearts.com
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World Humanitarian Awards (WHA)
The Festival strives to give recognition to people, who work and dedicate his/her life for the betterment of humanity. He/she could be anyone from any kind of profession, from all age, and from any parts of the world. May it be an ordinary man/female or a nation leader. We value hard works labored for peace and humanity, reaching hunger souls crying for help.
Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)
Festival email: worldhumanitarianawards@gmail.com
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Documentary Cinema Grand Prix
Documentary Cinema Grand Prix (DCGP) is an award event. Its goal is to promote excellent documentaries for the growth of film industry.
The Festival accepts: feature and short documentaries.
Awards Ceremony: July (yearly)
Festival email: documentarycgp@gmail.com
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World Philanthropist Awards
World Philanthropist Awards aimed to give a chance to you to be a philanthropist, through the world of filmmaking and social contribution. We are looking for exceptional people, people who are not only rich but have a calling to help others in various ways. Besides looking for exceptional figures, we also give chances to the people from the world of filmmaking who cares about social issues and want to make a significant impact for others.
Awards Ceremony: yearly, with bi-monthly events
Festival email: worldphilanthropistawards@gmail.com
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Festivals with Monthly and Bi-monthly Deadlines:

International Screen Awards
International Screen Awards is a monthly festival. It accept timeless films from any genres and any part of the world. They welcome students and newcomers to enter into emerging categories.
Films with various languages are welcome but must be added with English subtitle (or it can be dubbed into English). Festival deadline will be every end of the month.
Submission will automatically open on the first day of the following month
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December 
Festival email: internationalscreenawards@gmail.com
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American Screen Awards
American Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. It accept timeless films from any genres. The films submitted must either: contain American theme (any countries), filmed in one or more than one American countries, or made by American filmmakers.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: americanscreenawards@gmail.com
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ASIA PACIFIC FILM AWARDS is searching for films produced or directed in the Asia Pacific, or carrying its theme. Films submitted must have excellent technique, unique voice, and carry strong messages. A various languages films with English subtitles or dubbed are welcomed.

Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December

Festival email: asiapacificfilmawards@gmail.com

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European Screen Awards
European Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. It accept timeless films from any genres. The films submitted must either: contain European theme (any countries), filmed in one or more than one Europe countries, or made by European filmmakers.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: europeanscreenawards@gmail.com
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Calcutta International Cult Film Festival (CICFF)
Calcutta International Cult Film Festival (CICFF) is an official member of the British Film Institute, in London, and of the Film Society of Lincoln Center, in New York.
CICFF is a monthly live screening film festival, opened in November 2016, with a yearly live screening mega event in the City of Joy scheduled for October 2017. The monthly live screenings take place at the end of each month at Indira Cinema (one of the most prestigious film venues of Kolkata). more
Festival email: info@hlc-cicff.com
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Five Continents International Film Festival (FICOCC)

FIVE CONTINENTS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is an online festival, with LIVE SCREENING of the winning films; is a monthly festival of world cinematography, where feature films, short films, videoclips, webseries and video arts from all over the world come together to compete for the various prizes of the festival, but In addition they obtain the greater satisfaction of a filmmaker: that his work is seen by the public. Therefore, there is a prize that is granted by our subscribers, when viewing the film. more

Festival email: ficocc2016@gmail.com
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Asia Screen Awards
Asia Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. It accept timeless films from any genres. The films submitted must either: contain Asia theme (any countries), filmed in one or more than one Asia countries, or made by Asian filmmakers.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: internationalscreenawards@gmail.com
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Europe Asia Festival of Cinema

Festival invites filmmakers, traveler, and filmmaking lovers from Europe and Asia or filmmaking lovers who were filming in Europe and Asia, or choosing a theme or topic in relating to Europe or Asia. Film/documentary film/music should be originated from either Europe or Asia; or directed by European or Asian filmmakers or descendant. The Festival accept: feature and short films and documentary, non-narrative (experimental) film, and music video.
Awards Ceremony: bi-monthly
Festival email: festivalofcinemaea[@]gmail.com
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Royal World Prize (RWP)
Royal World Prize is not a film competition where filmmakers are competing against each other to win the limited winner spot but it will award filmmakers, achievers and record-holders based on the standard that Royal has set. Royal can present the Prize at anytime and to anyone as long as the standard has been met without having to compete head to head with other filmmakers. Royal is at the moment working together with several Kingdoms in Indonesia and Nusantara region.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: royalworldprize@gmail.com
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Africa Asia Festival of Cinema

Film/documentary film/music should be origin from Africa-Asia; or directed by African or Asian filmmakers or descendant.
The Festival accept: feature and short films and documentary, non-narrative (experimental) film, and music video.
Awards Ceremony: bi-monthly
Festival email: festivalofcinema[@]gmail.com
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Charleston International Film Awards
Charleston International Film Awards is a bi-monthly festival. Charleston is the largest city in the U.S. state of South Carolina known for its strong tourism industry even ranked by some as the best city in the world. We invite you to submit your work. We are looking for tourism and culture based film. We also welcome anytype of films with passion and hardwork.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: charlestonifag@gmail.com
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Directors Screen Awards
Directors Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. This festival is dedicated to all directors in particular, regardless their age, background. The purpose of Directors Screen Awards is to be a place for all the emerging directors whether youth or senior.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: directorsscreenawards@gmail.com
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Carolina International Film Awards
Carolina International Film Awards is a bio-monthly Festivals. Carolina means song of happiness or joy in French. The same as what this festival hope it'll bring to you. We hope to bring you happiness and joy.
That's one of the main condition, we are looking for, we look for work that brings other people joy and happiness. Come and join us!
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: carolinaifag@gmail.com
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Myrtle Beach International Film Awards
Myrtle Beach International Film Awards is a bio-monthly Festival. A place known for festive and beautiful beach, Myrtle Beach International Film Awards is here for you to submit your work.
This festival is dedicated to people who have passion for their work and the ones who loves art. Come, submit your work and be part of this festive festival!
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: myrtlebeachifag@gmail.com
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Actors Screen Awards
Actors Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. This festival is dedicated to all actors in particular, regardless their age, background. The purpose of Actors Screen Awards is to invite all actors out there despite their gender. This festival is also looking for the best Actors in the world that use their heart and soul to bring the characters they play to life while also acting to inspire while also entertain other with their directing style.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: actorsscreenawards@gmail.com
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Screenplay Screen Awards
Screenplay Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. This festival is dedicated to all screenwriters in the world. Screenplay Screen Awards is to be a place for all writers to submit their work. To be a place to get recognition for their contribution to the world of screenplay. The festival is looking on finding the best screenplay in the world that is entertaining, unique, and inspiring.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: screenplayscreenawards@gmail.com
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International Film Awards
International Film Awards bio-monthly Festivals. We are looking for films with passion, and good composition.
This festival is dedicated to people who loves films. We love films and we would choose the one with passion and put all their heart and soul into the work. Filmmaking is a team work, and each department deserved to be recognized. We are here for you all film lovers and we are ready to enjoy your work.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: internationalfilmawardsgroup@gmail.com
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Documentary Screen Awards
Documentary Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. This festival is dedicated to documentary films, whether it is short, featurette or feature documentary, we're here for you! We are looking for the wonderful taste and the beautiful art of storytelling that makes a documentary interesting.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: documentaryscreenawards@gmail.com
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Emerging Filmmakers Screen Awards
Emerging Filmmakers Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. This Screen Awards festival are for all the passionate individual who loves film and just starting to make it. Whether you are young or adults, this one is for you!
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: emergingfilmmakersscreenawards@gmail.com
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Actors Grand Prix
Actors Grand Prix is a festival and award event. Its goal is to promote actors around the world. Actors Grand Prix accept short films and documentaries, and scriptwriting. Juries consist of professionals in relates to film industry especially acting will judge the quality of each submission carefully. We are looking on finding the best films out there. While also eyeing our eyes on the actors, because without strong casts members what would a film be?
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: actorsgrandprix@gmail.com
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Short Screen Awards
Short Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. We are looking for short films made with passion and love. We also look for short films who can capture audiences heart in a short minute. Come, and join the screen awards family!
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: theshortscreenawards@gmail.com
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Pacific Screen Awards
Pacific Screen Awards is a bi-monthly festival. The Festival is looking for skillfully crafted films with touching, strong stories; films and documentary films with good taste in editing wise and composition. The Festival also accepts submission from various film categories. Making a film is a team work, and each department deserved recognition for their artistic taste, for their hard work, for their vision, for their expertise, for their skill, and for their passion.
Students and newcomers are welcome into emerging categories.
Awards Ceremony: every February, April, June, August, October, December
Festival email: pacificscreenawards@gmail.com
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Festivals with Regular Deadlines:


The Festival is aimed to give international recognition for peacemaker reconciling adversaries. He or she could be anyone with any background, any profession, or from all age. Their mission is to promote peace and humanitarian issues and inspire others.

The festival accepts inspirational film and documentary about peace or humanitarian issues, or conflict solving, or other matters in relating to peace.

Awards Ceremony: August (yearly)

Festival email: worldpeaceawards.wpa@gmail.com

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Solo International Film Festival (SIFF)

The mission of this Festival is to exhibit any shape of art and culture worldwide, especially filmmaking, including directing, music composing, and acting, and also a various shape of art in general. Theme that we are looking is a general theme, but we are mostly interested in culture, theatrical performances, drama, any shape of art, ancient and futuristic tradition, visionary films, science fiction, animation, music, dance, historical story and place, biography, patriotic theme, humanism, and any inspiring films and documentaries.

Awards Ceremony: August (yearly)
Festival email: soloiff@gmail.com
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Central Java International Film Festival

Central Java International Film Festival (CJIFF)  hope to popularize the Java culture and history to the world, as well as to exchange the art and culture through filmmaking.

CJIFF is searching for film and documentaries about heroes and heroine, tradition, art, culture, literature, fable, ancient stories, ancient kingdoms, war, and touching films about humbleness, kindness, and inspirational films and documentaries.

Awards Ceremony: August (yearly)

Festival email: centraljavaiff[@]gmail.com

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Borobudur International Film Festival

The Festival is established in honoring the glorious time of the past, to preserve the culture, and to popularize the history of human civilization, especially the Borobudur Temple to the international world through filmmaking.

The Festival accepts themes about historical places, tradition, ancient story, history, heroism, mystical, religious stories from the past, prehistoric, archaeology, folklore, verbal tradition, kingdoms, art, literature, and culture. They are also looking for artist, sculpture, art maker, musician, dancer, painter, and people who care about ancient tradition to submit their work.

Awards Ceremony: August (yearly)

Festival email: borobuduriff[@]gmail.com

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Bali Film Awards (BALIFA)

Bali Film Awards greets all filmmakers, both professionals and newcomers, travelers, history lovers, and adventurers from any part of the world to submit their finest films.

The Festival accepts short and feature-length narrative and documentary film in various genres. The Festival also opens individual categories for directors, cinematographers, actors and actresses, editors, screenwriters to compete for their awards.

Awards Ceremony: September (yearly)

Festival email: balifilmawards@gmail.com

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World Cinema Prize

World Cinema Prize (WCP) is looking for short and feature documentary and narrative films, made with nurtured ambition, carrying originality voice and strong message, shaped and produced in high skill, and presented with an attractive technique. A story well-told, beautiful composition, integrity, well edited are qualities they are looking for in the works submitted.

The Festival accept short and feature documentary and narrative films, and open for Special Categories: World Cinema Director, World Cinema Producer, World Cinema Actor, World Cinema Actress, World Cinema Editor, World Cinema Animator, World Cinema Scriptwriter

Awards Ceremony: September (yearly)

Festival email: worldcinemaprize@gmail.com

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The International Film Festivals for Peace, Inspiration, and Equality (IFFPIE)
IFFPIE promotes films that tackle peace, inspiration, and equality issues, each with their unique methods of storytelling.
Categories: International Feature Films, International Short Films, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Newcomer
Awards Ceremony: September (yearly)
Festival email: iffpie@gmail.com
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International Film Competition (IFCOM)
International Film Competition (IFCOM) is established to accommodate filmmakers' desires for proper acknowledgment according to their achievements and qualities of their films. The Festival is looking for skillfully produced films made with passions and which deliver strong voices.

The festival invites feature and short length narrative and documentary films, and welcome newcomers and students in the industry.
Awards Ceremony: September (yearly)
Festival email: internationalfilmcompetition@gmail.com
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Asia-Pacific Movie Awards (APAMA)
Asia-Pacific Movie Awards vision is to support independent filmmakers, movie stars, and artists, from around the globe. The Festival aimed to help filmmakers and movie stars to get international recognition, exposure, and opportunity for their careers.
Categories: Feature Film, Short Film, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Newcomer - Film, Newcomer Documentary for Production and Performance
Awards Ceremony: September (yearly)
Festival email: apacmovieawards@gmail.com
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Short Cinema Grand Prix (SCGP)

Short Cinema Grand Prix (SCGP) is a festival and award event. Its goal is to promote excellent short films, documentaries and music videos to contribute to the growth of film and music industry. The Festival is keenly eager to make film and music video as an art of communication in this modern era.
Short Cinema Grand Prix accept short films and documentaries, and music videos.
Students and newcomers are encouraged to participate in the festival to boost their reputation.
Awards Ceremony: October (yearly)
Festival email: shortcgp@gmail.com
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International Tourism Awards (ITA)
The International Tourism Awards was established to promote world tourism attraction and places, conserve world heritage and tourism centers by nurturing awareness among the international community, and improve socio-economic development of regions and countries in the tourism regions.
Awards Ceremony: October (yearly)
Festival email: internationaltourismawards@gmail.com
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Documentary Filmmakers World Festival
Documentary Filmmakers World Festival is looking for documentaries with distinctive voice. They are interested in cultures, people, and religions and encourage detail-oriented, passionate film students, filmmakers, and travelers to submit their documentary to make their exceptional films get recognition.
The festival accepts short and feature documentary from all genres.
Awards Ceremony: October (yearly)
Festival email: filmmakersworldfest@gmail.com
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Yogyakarta Film Awards is searching for short and feature-length narrative and documentary film in various genres but in great search for culture and traditional theme, historical and heroic film, films containing the architectural theme, social issues, films about kingdoms and heroes, and all inspiring film and documentaries that are well executed with excellent cinematography and carries unique and strong voice. We also accept individual categories, such as for directors, cinematographers, actors and actresses, editors, screenwriters.

Awards Ceremony: October (yearly)
Festival email: yogyakartafilmawards@gmail.com
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This festival is dedicated to all documentary directors in particular, and to all filmmakers in general.

The Festival accepts: Categories for directors: Documentary Directors Awards for Best Directing in documentary short, documentary feature, music video, Experimental Directing, Visionary Directing, Documentary Director of the Year Award, and Documentary New Director of the Year Award, and General Categories.

Awards Ceremony: October (yearly)

Festival email: documentarydirectorsawards@gmail.com

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World Animation Awards (WAA)

World Animation Awards is the sister festival of the World Film Awards. By establishing this festival, we hope to provide winning international animation to the Indonesian as well as the international audience, and bolster filmmakers’ assurance to give their best for the film industry.

Awards Ceremony: October (yearly)

Festival email: worldanimationawards@gmail.com

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For a Cause was established to participate in building awareness to create a better day-to-day world. The judges of the Festival are looking for films about humanity, mistreatment, injustice, and particular issues that made us questions about the truth. Make us thrilled with your inspirational films. We are eager to be triggered by stories that tickle our hearts, wet our eyes with tears, and looking for films carrying emotion, produced with love and care for others, and directed skillfully above the standards of filmmaking.

Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)

Festival email: 4acausemovement@gmail.com

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International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary (IFFSRV)
Promoting films that helping people living in peace towards themselves, forming strong and healthy alliances with others, and having good communication with their Creator despite of their sex, religion, race, and economic status.
Categories: International Feature Films, International Short Films, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Newcomer.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)
Festival email: iffsrv@gmail.com
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World Anti-Discrimination Awards (WARMIND)

Tolerance and acceptance.
World Anti-Discrimination Awards aimed to promote tolerance amongst many differences in small and global society, to raise acceptance, and ultimately to bring peace and harmony to our heterogenic global world. The Festival accept: short and feature narrative films and documentary, and are looking for exceptional people, warriors for humanity, and filmmaker who fight for tolerance; or filming about a man or a woman who symbolize the fight for tolerance.

Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)

Festival email:  worldantidiscriminationawards@gmail.com

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Directors Awards (DIRA)
This festival is dedicated to all directors in particular, regardless their age and background, and to all filmmakers in general. The purpose of Directors Awards film festival is to promote the craftsmanship of directing to the position and attention it deserves. The assessment of all the performance in the judging process will also be from the director's point of view.
The festival accepts films from all genre.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)
Festival email: directorsawards@gmail.com
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International Film Festival for Documentary, Short, and Comedy (IFFDSC)
The Festival aimed to facilitate creative filmmakers to show their artwork, encourage talented and passionate filmmakers to express their voice, and to provide positive life through healthy laugh and meditative encouragement.
The Festival is seeking for films (short films and documentaries) with strong voice, originality, creativity, and flowing story-telling, and produced with excellent techniques to be their showcase.
The festival accepts:
- Short film and documentary from all genres.
- Short and feature film with comedy genre.
- Films and documentaries with various spoken language are welcomed, but must be added with English subtitles.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)
Festival email: iffcrm@gmail.com
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International Student, Newcomer, and Woman Movie Awards (ISENMA)
The Festival's vision is to support independent filmmakers, newcomers, film students, women filmmakers, acting students, and new talents to get international recognitions, exposure, and wider opportunity for their careers.
The festival accepts films from all genre.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)

Festival email: isenmafestival@gmail.com

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Filmmakers of the Year Film Festival (FYFF)
The Festival aimed to support independent filmmakers to get international recognitions, exposure, and opportunity for their careers.
They are looking for great film-making and piquant films and documentaries, focusing in every aspect of film and documentaries production, and seeking for outstanding film and documentaries produced, created, and craft carefully with passion and talent.
The Festival accepts: all film from all genres.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)

Festival email: filmmakersoftheyear@gmail.com

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Ubud International Film Festival (UIFF)

Ubud International Film Festival (UIFF) greets all filmmakers, both professionals and newcomers, travelers, history lovers, and adventurers from any part of the world to submit their finest films.
The Festival accepts short and feature-length narrative and documentary film in various genres. The Festival also opens individual categories for directors, cinematographers, actors and actresses, editors, screenwriters to compete for their awards.
The Festival accepts: all film from all genres.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)

Festival email: ubudinternationalfilmfestival@gmail.com

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International Cinema Society (ICS)

International Cinema Society is a society of awards winning filmmakers who care about cinema and the industry. One of the main activities of the Festival is to conduct film festival focusing on award-winning filmmakers, without eliminating the chance for the newcomers in the cinema industry.

The Festival is a yearly Awards Festival, and it is calling for all winners in the film industry. The mission of the Festival is to give international recognition for filmmakers who have been dedicating their lives for the film industry and has won numerous awards in his/her career life.

Categories: General (for a person), International Feature Films, International Short Films, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Emerging Filmmaker.
Awards Ceremony: November (yearly)
Festival email: internationalcinemasociety[@]gmail.com
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West Java International Film Festival
The Festival is in search for films and documentaries about traditional music, heroes and heroine, tradition, art, culture, literature, fable, ancient stories, ancient kingdoms, war, and touching films about humbleness, kindness, and inspirational films and documentaries. We hope to see films with excellent cinematography, exposing the art of filmmaking, but also trigger to watch unique and experimental ideas.
Awards Ceremony: December (yearly)
Festival email: westjavaiff[@]gmail.com
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World Tolerance Awards (WTA)

World Tolerance Awards is part of a big festival group, the International Film Festivals. Working closely with the Council of Creative People (Dewan Kreatif Rakyat) and International I-Hebat Volunteers, they strive to give recognition to people who work and dedicate his/her life for tolerance. He/she could be anyone from any kind of profession, from all age, and from any parts of the world.

The Festival's mission is to promote tolerance; towards our neighbors, towards different religions, different political views, tolerance towards the environment.

Awards Ceremony: December (yearly)

Festival email: worldtoleranceawards@gmail.com

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Madura International Film Festival (MIFF)

The Festival is searching for film and documentaries about heroes and heroine, courage, spiritualism, religion, animal and tribe tradition, symbols, rituals, art, culture, literature, fable, ancient stories, ancient kingdoms, war, and inspirational films and documentaries about life-changing moments and events, showing strong characters. Editing, cinematography, and flow of the story will be highly put into consideration by the juries.

Awards Ceremony: January (yearly)
Festival email: maduraiff@gmail.com
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East Java International Film Festival (EJIFF)
The Festival wishes to enliven the spirits again in the work of art through art and filmmaking. They are searching for film and documentaries about heroes and heroine, courage, visionary, spiritual, tradition, art, culture, literature, fable, ancient stories, ancient kingdoms, war, and touching films about humbleness, kindness, and inspirational films and documentaries.
Awards Ceremony: January (yearly)
Festival email: eastjavaiff@gmail.com
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International Performing Arts & Movie Awards (IPAMA)

The festival's vision is to support both independent and professional art performers and filmmakers who have passion about what they are doing to get international recognitions and exposure, and to boost their careers.

They are searching for films with intriguing story, excellent technique and cinematography, and captivating storytelling.

Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)

Festival email: ipamovieawards@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit

International Film and Photography Festival (IFPF)
The Festival invites photographers and filmmakers from all over the world to take a chance on international level and join our festival.
We believe that photography and films are like brothers and some techniques and skills used in photography, like composition and lighting, plays important role in how films communicate with the viewers.
Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)

Festival email: infiphes@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit

World Documentary Awards (WDA)
WDA is the sister festival of the World Film Awards. By establishing this festival, we hope to exhibit the winning international documentary films to the Indonesian and international audience, bolster filmmakers’ assurance to give their best for the film industry, and prevail the film industry internationally.
Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)
Festival email: worlddocumentaryawards@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
World Human Rights Awards (WHRA)
WHRA mission is to promote human rights issues, including right to health, freedom, clean environment, happiness, zero discrimination, tolerance, and right to be free of poverty, to have freedom to worship, women’s rights, migrant’s rights, against trafficking, etc., and to help the United Nations to promote the International Human Rights Day in December 10.
In every society’s liberation from injustice and inhumanity, human rights heroes are born. Filmmaker who carries a soldier of human rights’ heart, this festival is waiting for you.
Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)
Festival email: worldhumanrightsawards@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Cinema Grand Prix (CGP)

Cinema Grand Prix (CGP) is a festival and award event. Its goal is to promote works of excellence for the growth of film and music industry, and popularizing film and art as the prime media of communication. CGP is looking for excellent works of art to be distributed in the Asian market.

The Festival accepts: feature and short films and documentaries, screenplays, photos, and music videos.

Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)

Festival email: cinemagrandprix@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit


World Pluralism Awards (WPA)

World Pluralism Awards (WPA) is organized by Pluralism Care Movement (PCM) in partnership with a big festival group, the International Film Festivals. World Pluralism Awards strive to give recognition to people, who work and dedicate his/her life for pluralism. He/she could be anyone from any kind of profession, from all age, and from any parts of the world. He or she can be an ordinary man/female or a nation leader.
Festival's mission is to promote pluralism.
The Festival receive submissions from all over the world: films and documentary relating to pluralism, tolerance, equality, peace, human rights, zero discrimination, social activities, and humanity.
Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)

Festival email: worldpluralismawards@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit
Java International Creative Awards

Java has a long history of art. It has a prioritized artistic value in every aspect of their lives - in the fields of art, carving, dancing, painting, sculpture, handicraft. Supporting this, the Java International Creative Awards strives to develop art in all aspects.

The Festival accepts: film (short/feature narrative or documentary), Photography
Art & Performances, Writings, Music & Video

Awards Ceremony: February (yearly)
Festival email: javainternationalcs@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema
London International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema, is a unique film and unproduced script event in its 5th year that is celebrating the best and most popular independent and studio films from the global film industry, and has wonderful opportunities for the business of film.
Event date: February

Festival email: info@filmmakerfestival.com

CLICK HERE to submit

Celebes International Film Festival (CIFF)

The Festival is searching for film and documentaries about heroes and heroine, courage, tribes, culture, ethnic, flora and fauna, any inspirational films/documentary, religion, tolerance, and diversity that are produced with excellent cinematography, flowing and seamless editing, with captivating storytelling.

Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: celebesiff@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Java International Film & Culture Film Festival (JIFCES)

JIFCES aimed to popularize our historically ancient culture and bring the virtue value of our ancestors back to the modern era. It is the value that lives forever as it already shaped who we are now, the nowadays civilization.

The Festival accept: Documentary Short, Feature Documentary, Short Film, Feature Film, Rising star

Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)

Festival email:  javainternationalfilmfestival[@]gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit

World Social Heroes Prize (WORSHEP)
WORSHEP mission is to promote films/documentaries and people who work hard and dedicate their lives for the benefit of humanity. The people you submit could be a living or dead people. You can also submit your profile Are you compassionate enough to submit?
The Festival receive submissions from all over the world and waiting for your excellent films and documentaries. They accept documentary and narrative films that are related to humanity and equality, or biographies or other inspiring themes.
Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: worldsocialheroesprize@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Documentary Cinema Prize (DCP)

Documentary Cinema Prize (DCP) is part of the World Cinema Prize Group, specialized in valuing documentary films. DCP is looking for short and feature documentary films made with passion, shaped and produced in high skill, and presented with an attractive technique and eloquent communication. High quality, neatness, nice composition, well edited, and strong and heart-tickling stories and pictures are qualities we are looking for in the works submitted.

The Festival accept: documentary films

Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: documentarycinemaprize@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Respecting films and soft voices that are created by a woman, or a man for woman in general, this film festival is established to honor inspiring films produced with love and high quality.

The festival also aimed to look for an inspiring woman with dedication for humanity, equality, and love for others, for her environment, or for nature’s benefit for next generation. Heroines with  shining armors might only live in animation films, but the true heroine, regardless their age, do live amongst us.
WWA mission is to promote films and women who carry humble, yet strong heart, endeavor for humanitarian issues and inspire others.
The Festival is looking for documentary and narrative films that are related to woman life, or biographies, or other inspiring themes produced or made by any female filmmaker.
Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: worldwomanawards@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit

Java International Humanitarian Awards

The main focus of the festival is to search for filmmakers who dedicate their lives to humanity through film.
The festival is also looking for figures struggling to provide
humanitarian relief, and to help victims of disasters, starvation, conflicts, human rights violations, and people in emergencies.

Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)

Festival email: javinhads@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit

This festival is dedicated to all directors, with specialization creating short film and documentary and music video. There is no limitation of age or background for entering; and to boost the world of filmmaking in general, the juries of the festival dedicate their specific time to analyze and value the excellent works of all parts of any short film/documentary/video music submitted through the general categories.
The purpose of World Short Directors Awards film festival is to promote the craftsmanship of directing to the position and attention it deserves. The assessment of all the performance in the judging process will also be from the director's point of view.
Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: worldshortdirectorsawards@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
International Film Festival for Women, Social Issues, and Zero Discrimination (IFFWSZ)
The Festival was established as a means of supporting and promoting filmmakers all over the world. Our main mission is to raise local and international awareness towards issues relating to women and social issues in general, and to help the United Nation promote peace and its humanitarian goals.
The Festival accepts:
Films/documentaries with special themes: women, social issues, and zero discrimination topic.
Films/documentaries with general theme: inspiring and informative outstanding film.
Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: iffwosoro@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Filmmakers World Festival (FWF)
The Festival is the sister festival of World Film Awards, and they are looking for excellent produced films and documentary with distinctive voices.
They encourage detail-oriented film students with passion, detailed oriented, independent filmmakers, travelers, adventurers, and anyone with passion for filmmaking to join us and make their outstanding films get recognition.
The festival accepts: all film from all genres.
Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)
Festival email: filmmakersworldfest@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
International Movie Awards (IMA)
The Festival's mission is to support independent filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to get international recognitions, exposure, and opportunity for their careers.
Categories: Feature Film, Short Film, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Animation, Experimental, Music & Dance Film and Video, New Comer - Film, New Comer - Documentary, Best Genre Film
Awards Ceremony: March (yearly)

Festival email: internationalmovieawards@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit

more Festivals

Jakarta Film Awards
Jakarta Film Awards is the sister festival of World Film Awards, and aim to play a role in the film industry and to help filmmakers, both independent and professional, to soar their film internationally and make it famous throughout the region. Jakarta Film Awards encourage newcomers, travelers, history lovers, and adventurers from any part of the world to compete for best film.
Awards Ceremony: April (yearly)
Festival email: jakartafilmawards[@]gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Sumatera International Film Festival (SIFF)

The Festival is searching for inspirational films & educational and informative documentaries, carrying any theme. We are also searching for spiritual and ghost theme, especially ones related to old times, tradition, and heroic stories.

Awards Ceremony: April (yearly)
Festival email: sumateraiff@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit

Java Film Awards

Java Film Awards (JAFIFA) is looking for the hidden artistic talents from the adventurers, art and culture lovers, and history lovers. JAFIFA's goal is to entertain and serve the global world with unique and excellent films and documentaries. Java Film Awards greets all filmmakers, both professionals and newcomers from any part of the world to submit their jeweled films.

Java Film Awards accepts short and feature-length narrative and documentary film in various genres. Individual categories, such as for directors, cinematographers, actors/actresses, editors, screenwriters are also available for the exceptional filmmakers to be more distinctive in their competition.

Awards Ceremony: April (yearly)

Festival email: javafilmawards@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit


Jakarta International Humanitarian & Culture Awards

 The Festival is searching for excellent films, documentary and narrative films, and looking for people with extraordinary heart who have a deep passion for helping others in need and despair, and one of the method--is through filmmaking.

He or she could be anyone and from every part of the world.

The Festival mission is to promote humanitarian issues and inspire others through filmmaking and events. Winning person profile will become our showcase based on their CVs.
The Festival accepts submissions from any part of the globe and waiting for your excellent short/feature films and documentaries.

Awards Ceremony: April (yearly)

Festival email: jihcafilmfestival@gmail.com

CLICK HERE to submit


Best Short Cinema Prize

Best Short Cinema Prize (BESCP) is part of the World Cinema Prize Group, specialized in valuing short films. The Festival is looking for short documentary and narrative films made with passion, shaped and produced in high skill, and presented with an attractive technique.

The Festival accepts: short film and documentaries.
Awards Ceremony: May (yearly)
Festival email: shortcinemaprize@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
Asia Pacific International Filmmaker Festival & Awards

The festival is established to encourage newcomers and students to explore their talents and give the best of their efforts and passions for the beauty of art, the deliverance of message/information, the variety of life, and for the film industry itself through freedom to express their voices.

The Festival is looking for feature/short narrative and documentaries films.

Awards Ceremony: May (yearly)
Festival email: asiapacificfilmmaker@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit


World Film Awards (WFA)
World Film Awards greet independent filmmakers, travelers, history lovers, adventurers, and general filmmakers to show their passion through entertaining, informative, and detail-oriented films. They are craving for excellent produced films and documentary with distinctive voices.
The festival accepts: all film from all genres.
Awards Ceremony: May (yearly)
Festival email: worldfilmawards@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
International Film Festival for Family, Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking (IFFADAT)
The festival mission is to raise local and international awareness towards issues relating to family, drug abuse and trafficking, and to help the United Nation promote its humanitarian goals.
The Festival accepts:
- Films/documentaries with special themes: family issues, against drug abuse, anti-trafficking.
- Films/documentaries with general theme: inspiring and informative outstanding film.
Awards Ceremony: May (yearly)
Festival email: iff4fadat@gmail.com
CLICK HERE to submit
International Film Festival for Environment, Health, and Culture (IFFEHC)
The Festival was established for betterment of humanity, as a means of supporting and promoting filmmakers all over the world. It hopes to participate in a cleaner and better environment, raise the quality of life and intercultural dialogues for better acceptance and deeper understanding of people and diversity in life.

IFFEHC mission is to promote films pertaining to environment, health, and culture issues, each with their unique methods of storytelling.
IFFEHC accepts:
- Films/documentaries with special themes: environment, health, and culture.
- Films/documentaries with general theme: inspiring and informative outstanding film.
Awards Ceremony: May (yearly)
Festival email: iffehc@gmail.com
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